This is a magnificent, three-movement work which, when written, redefined big band scoring. It has been published in such a way that any one of a number of soloists could be featured throughout ....... flute, alto sax, tenor sax or trumpet, or?? This is an important piece of music in the history of big band composition and arranging. It should be in every university and professional bigband library. 5-4-4-3, plus optional French horns (2) which are cross-cued in other parts.
- Order individual part(s)
IMPORTANT: To order replacement parts for a chart, click on the "Order individual parts" link above. On the "Individual Part(s)" product page, change the quantity to the number of parts you need (located to the left of "Add To Bag"). For example, if you need a total of 4 replacement parts, change the quantity to "4." Upon checkout, you will need to specify in the "Order Comments" box 3 things - 1) the product code (i.e. SMP-384), 2) the product title (i.e. "Stolen Moments"), and 3) the desired part (i.e. Trumpet 3). If any of this information is not included, your order will be delayed.
IMPORTANT: To order a replacement or extra score(s) for a chart, click on the "Order score only" link above. On the "Score Only" product page, change the quantity to the number of scores you need (located to the left of "Add To Bag"). For example, if you need a total of 3 scores, change the quantity to "3." Upon checkout, you will need to specify in the "Order Comments" box 3 things - 1) the product code (i.e. SMP-384), 2) the product title (i.e. "Stolen Moments"), and 3) if ordering scores for more than one arrangement, specify how many scores for each arrangement are needed. If any of this information is not included, your order will be delayed.