Si! Si! - M.F. (Pro) is Don Rader’s clever Latin tune that was arranged for and recorded by the Maynard Ferguson Band on the Roulette CD Si! Si! - M.F. This chart, prepared in the latest v. of Finale was taken from the actual hand-copied chart that was in Maynard’s book. The Latin Montuno feel is cool and then gets hotter. Lots of room for solos from anyone. Check out the audio clip. Maynard had a small band, and this is how we put this together: 4 saxes, 4 tpts., 2 trbs., and 3 rhythm. There is also a brand new arrangement of this tune created by Bob Curnow. Look for the edited v. of this, written for the standard big band instrumentation. It is our number 1363. Advanced. 4-4-2-3